Classic Film Styles for Capture One - Full Collection

Тема в разделе "Lightroom Presets", создана пользователем Администратор, окт 22, 2022.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума


    Classic Film Styles for Capture One - Full Collection
    Capture One Styles
    The full Classic Film Style Collection for Capture One provides the chance to transform the look and feel of old film into our today´s technological possibilities. 35 different Styles help us to create the most popular colour negativ-, positive as well as black and white films of bygone times. Weather Kodak Portra 400 or Fuji 400h, Ilford Delta 400 or Kodak Tri-X 400 – one click and you get your desired look without having to deal with destructive corrections. Whoever uses Capture One tries to get the best picture quality out of their Raw files - for those photographers the Classic Styles Collection was developed.​

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  2. Kali

    Kali Member

    I need
  3. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума


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