Emily Magers - The Posing Course https://emilymagers.com/the-posing-course Throughout this course, I will walk you through all things posing. How I prep my clients before shoots, what it's like during the shoot, Philosophy behind evoking emotional images (and not the boring philospohy class you took in college) along with a ton of posing ques+prompts I give my couples! In This course I don't hold back any secrets because secrets don’t make friends and I really wanna be your friend! I will share everything I know and exactly how i go about my sessions. BUT REMEMBER: There is no right way to do things, I just walk you through how I do things. We'll cover how to educate your clients beforehand, when to use certain posing prompts over others, How to evoke real/genuine/candid emotion, and so much more! This course is for all learning types. There is written info, posing breakdowns, image examples, AND a video portion where you get to come with me on a shoot and watch how I do my thing (also my English Bulldog makes an appearance and that's something you really don't want to miss). It is a self paced course so it is yours to watch/read as many times as you'd like and you'll be able to access it whenever! Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud