Advanced Concepts in Adobe Camera Raw Workflow | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Advanced Concepts in Adobe Camera Raw Workflow

Тема в разделе "Other courses", создана пользователем Администратор, июл 28, 2020.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума

    [​IMG]Advanced Concepts in Adobe Camera Raw Workflow — Blake Rudis — Free download

    Your RAW workflow is the critical starting point for all of your photographs, are you starting in the most efficient way possible? In this course, I am going to teach you how to take advantage of ACR’s preset and profile system to get the best starting point for every photograph. The best part, by the end of this course, you will know to replicate the process for any workflow going forward. Strap yourselves in and open your mind; we are going to tackle some of the most challenging ACR concepts to get you more proficient!


    Filename: 01._Blake_Rudis_-_Advanced_Concepts_in_Adobe_Camera_Raw_Workflow.rar (download)
    Filesize: 563.69 MB

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