BennyBulke BNW streetpack Presets What who and why I created this presetpack over the years (use them myself) to make my editing easier and faster, immediately showing the potential of my images while hoovering over the presets. My philosophy in editing is that you can create more stunning images if it doesnt get too time-consuming, therefore not stalling your creative vibe, on the other side of things i do not believe a preset can fully edit an image that is stunning enough (seldom this is the case) but it almost always needs a personal touch, often created by local adjustments using brushes, radials and/or graduated filters. Therefore this is not only a presetpack with only presets but also brush/radial/grad filter presets included, which you can use to create more your own style, preferred personal editing and so on..... in my oppinion this makes it possible for you to boost your editing process in the direction you want it to go! Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud