C1ick Match Monochrome Pack for Adobe Lightroom and Camera Raw https://www.c1ick.com/c1ick-match-f...hrome-pack-for-adobe-lightroom-and-camera-raw The film emulation profiles included in the C1ick Match Monochrome Pack for Adobe Lightroom & Camera Raw are: Fujifilm Acros 100 (Processed Normal, Pushed 1 Stop, Pushed 2 Stops and with no filter, red, yellow, and green filters) Ilford Delta 3200 (Processed Normal, Pushed 1 Stop, and with no filter, red, yellow, and green filters) Ilford HP5 (Processed Normal, Pushed 1 Stop, Pushed 2 Stops and with no filter, red, yellow, and green filters) Kodak Tri-X (Processed Normal, Pushed 1 Stop, Pushed 2 Stops and with no filter, red, yellow, and green filters) Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud