Cinesamples CineBrass Sonore KONTAKT-AwZ | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Cinesamples CineBrass Sonore KONTAKT-AwZ

Тема в разделе "Audio", создана пользователем Администратор, фев 1, 2020.

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    Администратор Administrator Команда форума

    Cinesamples CineBrass Sonore KONTAKT-AwZ
    AwZ | 01 February 2020 | 7,13 GB
    Sonore (adj.): resonant; with rich tone. When you see “sonore” written in a musical score, the composer is simply asking the musicians to play with the maximum resonance, body and tone of which they are capable. It is the opposite concept of brashness and blasting - “sonore” is a thick and warm sound. We set out to recapture trumpet and horn sections in which we maximized tone and body rather than concentrating solely on loud dynamics. You’ll notice a wider, more open sound that takes up more room in the in the mix at a mezzo forte dynamic. We selected articulations specifically for the creation of melodies. Our greatest influence and inspiration was the organic processes employed by the great film composers of orchestral music. Recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles, these ensembles also come with vastly improved legato.​

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