Freelancing 101: Turning your Side Hustle into Cash with Andrew Whelan — CreativeLive — Free download How To Earn Income As A Freelancer, No Business Degree Required. This class will empower you to take your skills and monetize them as a freelancer. After this class, you will be able to identify competitors, price your services, and develop skills to network so that you can land that next deal. In this class you will: Lesson 1: Build a freelance plan of action so that you are prepared for business Lesson 2: Develop your freelance network Lesson 3: Create a simple brand to set you apart from your competitors Lesson 4: Analyze your market value so you know your worth Lesson 5: Determine your hourly rate to charge the right amount Lesson 6: Estimate your time commitment so you can set realistic expectations Lesson 7: Decide if a project is better suited for an hourly, day, or project rate Lesson 8: Figure out when to know to raise your rate Lesson 9: Negotiate value with a target number Lesson 10: When to say yes and when to say no to a project DOWNLOAD Filename: CreativeLive – Freelancing 101 Turning your Side Hustle into (download) Filesize: 1.37 GB Course content: Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud