Groove3 T-RackS Tape Machine Collection Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE SYNTHiC4TE | Nov 28 2020 | 165 MB Eli Krantzberg delivers detailed T-RackS Tape Machine Collection video tutorials! Learn all about what tape compression and saturation is, how to apply it to your different tracks and mixes, and how to use all of the T-RackS Tape Machine Collection's different tape machine emulations and their features and functions. These video tutorials are for new T-RackS Tape Machine Collection users. Eli welcomes you and starts off with an in-depth video on what exactly tape plug-ins do, and discusses the mystique of tape emulation, including the properties of tape and tape recorders that are emulated. After watching you'll know exactly what they're adding or removing from the signal, and how driving the input and saturating the tape affects the harmonics generated in different ways. Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud Или скачать с помощью сервиса. Download using the service