Do you say these things to yourself: I hate being in front of the camera, but I know that to be successful online, I've got to learn how to do it! When I press the record button on the camera, it's like my confidence instantly drains right out of me Why doesn't my mouth and brain work properly when I'm in front of the camera - it's unbelievably frustrating! I'm a professional teacher/presenter and I can't believe how difficult of a time I have recording a simple video I'm tired of nonsense advice like: 'just be yourself', and 'think of the camera as your friend' - it doesn't work! I'm tired of spending hours/days writing scripts for videos where I sound like I'm reading a book and look stiffer than a board on camera How can I record high-quality videos quickly? How do other people record great videos with so little effort - how can I be like them?!? I want to create great videos - HELP!!! If you've said any of these things to yourself in the past, you're going to love this class! Скачать Это переход, через сокращатель ссылок с просмотром рекламы. Или купить доступ на форум и получить ссылку на облако. КУПИТЬ ДОСТУП