Why you need to join this course? I have seen a huge growth on my Instagram after I started making Cinematic voice over Reels. When I started posting reels I was at 70K and in few months we have reached to almost 1.1M. So I thought it would be great If I can teach shooting & editing videos start from the basics in the form of reels. So you can improve you video making skills and at the same time grow and earn from what you do. In short what I wanted to say, even if you don't know anything about camera/shooting or editing videos then this course is for you. I am going to tell you about which camera gears are the best to use. and then you are going to learn, How to shoot cinematic videos, How to write, practice and record voice overs. How to find and edit music that goes perfect with the video How to start with video editing. From basics to effects and transitions, color grading and then exporting high quality videos for Instagram reels. How to beat algorithm to grow and earn from Instagram How much to charge brands for Instagram Post/stories or reels. Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud Instagram Success Formula Grow with Cinematic Voice over Reels.rar - 4.0 GB