IO Music Academy Lofi Beatmaking with Bad Snacks TUTORiAL-RYZEN RYZEN | 25 November 2022 | 2.25 GB Come hang out with Bad Snacks in this 5-day course as she walks you through her process of lofi/electronic beatmaking! We will be covering topics like creative sampling, instrument integration, and “breaking out of the loop”. Each day will consist of track breakdowns to reflect the composition, sound selection, and mixing process. Additionally, strategies for low-budget self-marketing will be covered for when your project is ready to be heard. The goal of this course is to cover fundamentals of beatmaking, easily achievable advanced techniques, and tips for being a more self-sufficient producer. There is a Q&A in each lesson AND the cherry on top is that you get a custom-made sample pack by Bad Snacks when you sign up for the course! Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud