iPhone Photography: How to Take Pro Lifestyle Photos https://www.skillshare.com/classes/iPhone-Photography-How-to-Take-Pro-Lifestyle-Photos/1404933440 Want to take engaging, professional-level lifestyle photos with the camera you already have with you? Look no further! Reach in your pocket, grab your iPhone and let's take some incredible images! Have you wanted to know what it takes to make your images stand out? How to tell a compelling story through photography? The techniques such as composition, lighting, and working with a portrait subject? If so, then this is the class for you! In this class, you will join me as we set up the iPhone camera for success. Then we will engage in a LIVE DEMONSTRATION where we will walk through photography fundamentals such as the rules of composition, working with natural light, and how to use different angles to create a full lifestyle story! Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud