Jerry Ghionis. I.C.E. Society - Chapter 47 This Chapter continues with Colin & Jolene's wedding in Ice Pick and includes a reveal or 'first glimpse' with the bride and groom meeting before the ceremony and then goes on to showcase some classic portraits and contemporary poses. Posing and Lighting features more from the Rome workshop with another late evening shot using off camera flash. Ice Queen features Mandy and Johnson's wedding, which happened to be overcast and raining, allowing Jerry to demonstrate how to look for the light when it's less obvious. The exercise of 'Looking for the light' is continued in Practice. Julian Walker discusses his 'rule of 45' as an effective guide just about anything in your business. In Icing on the Cake Jerry explores a neat trick using WB, shallow dof and semi-transparent glass. Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud