Juan Melana - P4K2ALEXA (Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K Arri Look) | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Juan Melana - P4K2ALEXA (Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K Arri Look)

Тема в разделе "Плагины и аддоны", создана пользователем Администратор, июн 13, 2021.

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    Juan Melana - P4K2ALEXA (Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K Arri Look)


    Following the release of the P6K2Alexa PowerGrade, I received many requests to create a BMPCC4K to Alexa PowerGrade. This is that PowerGrade.
    Created using the same process as the P6K version, P4K2Alexa features a new 3x3 matrix that accurately matches the P4K to the Alexa. This is the same method used by high-end post houses to match digital cameras. And it offerrs many advantages over using a LUT. For more info on these advantages, and for a look into the creation process, visit the P6K2Alexa product page.​

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