KCP Preset Wedding Collection LRTemplate | XMP https://shop.kathiundchris.de/produkt/kcp-preset-wedding-collection-2019/ If you are a wedding photographer and you like our picture look, then this is exactly what you are looking for. This preset package includes 10 years of experience in wedding photo editing and Adobe Lightroom. We have developed 23 presets for you that are suitable for almost any situation both outdoor and indoor. In doing so, we have made it very important that the presets are coordinated with each other and that you can edit a wedding consistently in the same style. The time saved by our presets is extremely high and at the same time the quality increases with a recognizable look. To make the result even more versatile and individualized for you, there are 18 overlays that can be combined with the presets and provide even more options. Comparable to a modular system, you can combine all presets with the overlays and thus bring in your personal preferences! It has never been that way! Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud Или скачать с помощью сервиса. Download using the service