Liveclasses - Alexander Taluk - 45 Life Hacks for Shooting in the Studio Video: 1080p | 3hr 30m This is a unique master class, where the author’s techniques are collected, verified by more than ten years of experience in various fields of photography. Some of these skills might come to you over time, but you cannot think of something at all without a hint. Save a ton of resources by watching Alexander Talyuk solve a lot of problems and related problems. Modeling various situations, he will show a simple and elegant way out. How to simplify your work with the background? How to position the model? What effects can be achieved with simple reflectors and flags? How can custom-use gel filters be used in creative photography? What solutions and ways are possible when using softboxes? Interesting and unusual images of the model will be shot right in the studio with detailed explanations and motivation. Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud