Microsoft Power BI Masterclass™ – A Complete Hands-on Guide | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Microsoft Power BI Masterclass™ – A Complete Hands-on Guide

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    [100% Off] Microsoft Power BI Masterclass[​IMG] – A Complete Hands-on Guide Udemy Coupon

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    Data visualization is the standard way to communicate complex information into meaningful visuals that have a long-lasting impact. Gone are the days when data analysis was restricted to a spreadsheet and limited graphing capabilities. The current era of business intelligence has equipped business professionals with state-of-the-art analytical tools such as Power BI allowing them to visually see the state of the business and identify patterns to bolster successful strategies.

    Microsoft Power BI (business intelligence) is a powerful visualization and analytics tool that helps companies of all sizes analyze their data and share insights. With this technology, enterprises can monitor their business more closely and get instant answers with rich dashboards available for every device.

    The course Power BI for business professionals is designed for anyone who wants to create impactful visualizations and reports that utilize the underlying data and convey the message that has a long-lasting impact. The course is organized in small bitesize lectures in order to retain the attention of the student. The course begins by covering the core concepts of Power BI and data visualization. It then covers the specific visualization and their purposes. Many sections in the course contain practical activity files to help students test and apply their knowledge in a real scenario.

    Course Outline (Detailed)


    In this video instructors are introduced as well as how the course is organized is explained


    Introduction to Power BI

    In this video the instructor will narrate the Lesson 2 outline

    Lesson 2: Signing Up for Power BI and Loading Data


    Downloading Power BI Desktop

    In this video the instructor will narrate the basic steps and system requirements to download Power BI


    Login into Power BI online

    In this video the instructor will outline the procedure to Login into Power BI


    Loading Data into Power BI

    In this video the instructor will give a demo on how to load data in Power BI


    Recap & Conclusion

    In this video the instructor will recap and conclude Lesson 2

    Lesson 3: Power BI Tables


    Introduction to Power BI Tables

    In this video the guide will narrate the Lesson 3 outline


    Creating your first table in Power BI

    In this video the narrator will exhibit the course of actions taken to create a table in Power BI


    Formatting and sorting Tables

    In this video the instructor will narrate the ways to format and sort tables in Power BI


    Using Multiple Measures in Tables

    In this video the narrator will demonstrate the process to insert multiple measures in a single table


    Cross Filtering Tables

    In this video the guide will instruct on how to cross filter tables in Power BI


    Practical Activity – Tables

    Practical Activity testing understanding of tables


    Methods of Aggregation

    In this video the instructor will exhibit the techniques to compile information from databases in Power BI


    Practical Activity – Methods of Aggregation

    Practical Activity testing how information can be aggregated and presented in Power BI


    Percentage Calculations

    In this video the narrator will illustrate the ways to calculate percentages of data in Power BI


    Conclusion to Tables Section

    In this video the guide will recap and conclude Lesson 3

    Lesson 4:Matrix and Cards


    Introduction to Matrix and Cards

    In this video the instructor will narrate the Lesson 4 outline


    Creating the Matrix Visualization

    In this video students will learn how matrix tables can be visualized on Power BI canvas


    Methods of Aggregation for Matrix

    Students will learn how information could be added to give an sum view of the data presented on a matrix table


    Percentage of Calculations for the Matrix

    Students will learn how numbers presented on a matrix table can be converted to percentages


    Multi Row Visualization

    KPI cards are good way to present numbers. In this video student will learn how to use KPIs to create multi row visualizations


    Card Visualization

    Card visualization covered in this video will demonstrate how to present and label a single KPI on the Power BI canvas


    Practical Activity – Cards, Multi Row and Matrix

    Practical activity testing knowledge of Cards, Multi Row and Matrix


    Conclusion to Matrix and Card Visualizations

    Topic is summarized in this video

    Lesson 5: Filters and Slicers


    Introduction to Filters and Slicers

    The video introduces the important concept of filters and slices which when applied can create visualizations which are more specific to user needs


    Text Slicers

    This video demonstrates how slicers could be applied to text to filter information


    Numeric Slicers

    This video demonstrates how slicers could be applied to numbers to filter information


    Date Slicers

    This video covers how a date can be filtered by using date slicers


    Visual Level Text Filters

    This video demonstrates how visuals could show customized information by applying visual level text filters


    Visual Level Numeric Filter

    The video is an extension to visual level filters demonstrating how numeric filters can be applied to a visual


    Visual Level Date Filters

    The video is an extension to visual level filters demonstrating how date

    filters can be applied to a visual


    Page and Report Level Filters

    The video is an extension to visual level filters demonstrating how date

    filters can be applied to a visual


    Practical Activity – Filters

    Practical activity testing knowledge of filters


    Conclusion to Filters and Slicers

    Chapter round up of lesson 5

    Lesson 6:Column Visualizations


    Introduction to Column Visualizations

    Column visualization are introduced and expectations of videos coming in lesson is set


    Column Visualizations

    How to make a basic column visualization is covered


    Stacked Column Visualizations

    Stacked column visualization is covered. Students learn what is the difference between the 2 types of column visualization and when to use them


    Cross Filtering and Slicers

    How to set cross filters to slicers to add more interactivity to visualizations


    Practical Activity – Column and Bar Visualizations

    Practical Activity testing knowledge of Column and Bar Visualizations


    Graph Options

    Different types of graph visualizations available in Power BI


    Analytics Pane

    How the analytics pane can add dynamic reference lines to visuals, and provide focus for important trends or insights


    Practical Activity – Graph Options

    Practical Activity testing understanding of Graph Options in Power BI


    Conclusion to the Column Visualizations Section

    Lesson round-up video summarizing what is taught

    Lesson 7:Trend Analysis


    Introduction to Trend Analysis

    How trend analysis can enrich the current visualization in power bi


    Line Graphs

    Learn how to add line graphs in power BI


    Area Graphs

    How lines can be converted to area charts


    Ribbon Graphs

    How to make ribbon graphs in power bi


    Practical Activity – Trend Analysis

    Practical Activity testing understanding of Trend analysis in Power BI


    Conclusion to Trend Analysis Section

    Lesson round up video summarizing what is taught

    Lesson 8 :Other Graph Types


    Introduction to Other Graph Types

    Introduction to other types of charts used in Power BI


    Waterfall and KPI Visualizations

    How waterfall and KPI charts could help us create a visualization


    Combination Graphs

    In this video combination charts are explained in Power BI. How they can be helpful in conveying greater detail in the same visualization


    Pie Graphs

    How pie charts are made in power bi are explained in this video


    Tree map Graphs

    How tree map visualization is created in power bi is explained in this video


    Geographical Graphs

    How information such as name of cities and countries can help present companies’ information on a map


    Scatterplots and Bubble plots

    Other charts such as Scatterplots and Bubble plots are explained in this video


    Practical Activity – Scatterplots

    Practical Activity – Scatterplots test students understanding from previous videos


    Practical Activity Scatterplots Tutorial

    This video contains answers to the practical activity conducted


    Conclusion to Other Graphs

    Chapter Roundup summarizing the concepts learned in previous videos

    Lesson 9: Interactive Dashboards


    Introduction to Interactive Reports/Dashboards

    In this lesson we cover the objectives of how the previously acquired knowledge could be used to create interactive reports in power bi


    DIY Worldwide LLC

    A scenario of a fictitious company Worldwide LLC where information could be used to create a report


    Drill Through Filters

    In this video concept of how a visual can provide a more focused information using drill though filters


    Advanced ToolTips

    Advance tool tips help to create a custom information to be shown as a tool tip of a visualization



    How information or a visual could be bookmarked to create a story line effect in Power BI


    Publishing reports

    How reports in desktop could be published to power BI online


    Conclusion to Interactive Dashboards

    Chapter roundup summarizing the core concepts learned

    Lesson 10 : Power BI Service


    Introduction to Power BI Service

    Power BI online service is introduced in this lesson


    Setting Up Dashboards

    How different visuals from multiple reports could be combined in the form a dashboard in power bi


    Dashboards V Reports

    Major differences between dashboard and report is identified


    Set up Alerts and Subscriptions

    How can we setup alerts for a visuals or subscriptions for updates on data models is created in Power BI


    Getting Insight from your Data

    How the analytics engine of power BI can generate insights in Power BI online


    Setting up the Mobile View

    The video aims to discuss how reports and dashboards are best optimized for mobile views


    Natural Language Queries

    The NLP is a brand-new feature of Power BI which helps us ask questions from the data source by typing English sentences.


    Practical Activity – Natural Language

    Practical Activity – Natural Language testing understanding of


    Conclusion to the Power BI Service

    Conclusion video summarizing what is covered in previous videos of the lesson

    Lesson 11:power BI Security, Workspaces and Refresh


    Introduction to Power BI Security, Workspaces and Refresh

    In this video the security features and data refresh options of power bi are introduced


    Data Gateways

    In this video the instructor explained how data gateway can help sync data that is lying on local machine to power BI online


    Row Level Security

    How information could be kept secure by restricting access applied on certain rows of data in Power BI


    Creating workspaces in Power BI

    How workspaces are created in Power BI online to share and collaborate with others


    Publishing Apps

    How publishing apps can help broadcast our reports and dashboard and share with entire organization.


    Conclusion to Power BI Security, Workspaces and Refresh

    Conclusion video summarizing what is covered in previous videos of the lesson

    Lesson 12:power BI and Excel


    Introduction to Power BI and Excel

    Lesson introductory video highlighting how power BI reports could be further analyzed in excel


    Power BI and Excel Pivot Tables

    How Power BI reports could be exported and analyzed in excel pivot tables


    Pinning Excel Ranges

    How reports analyzed in excel could be pinned to Power BI


    Excel Online Workbooks

    How source file could be analyzed in online excel


    Conclusion to Power BI and Excel

    Conclusion video summarizing what is covered in previous videos of the lesson

    Lesson 13:Custom Visualizations


    Introduction to Custom Visualizations

    How visuals can be made more customized are introduces in this video


    Custom Visualizations

    Different types of customization option available in Power BI are discussed in this video



    How different themes could be added to a report in Power BI


    Conclusion to Custom Visualizations

    Conclusion video summarizing what is covered in previous videos of the lesson

    Lesson 14:publish and Embed Dashboards


    Introduction to Publish and Embed

    How reports could be published or embedded to other platforms such as power point


    Publish and Embed Dashboards

    How dashboards could be published or embedded to other platforms such as power point


    Power BI Usage Reports

    How activity of work done in Power BI could be monitored such as how many times a report is viewed.


    Conclusion to Publish and Embed Dashboards

    Conclusion video summarizing what is covered in previous videos of the lesson

    Lesson 15: Course Conclusion


    Course Conclusion

    In this video a brief summary of each Lesson is given to give a small recap to students.

    Instructors: Apex Education


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