Mobile Art Mastery: Developing the Visual Poet Within | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Mobile Art Mastery: Developing the Visual Poet Within

Тема в разделе "Other courses", создана пользователем Администратор, июл 19, 2020.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума

    [​IMG]Mobile Art Mastery: Developing the Visual Poet Within — Free download

    A Greeting from Susan …

    I’ve heard countless times, from a variety of creative types, that making art — in whatever form it happens to take — brings with it contentment, fulfillment, and more than anything, inner joy. Again and again I have heard artists voice that they could not live a full, whole life without creating every day. And I am no different.

    Creating art is central to almost everything I do. And part of what makes this possible is my continual pursuit of fresh inspiration.

    We can find inspiration in many places: in the work of artists we admire, in nature, through music, or tucked away in a passage from a favorite poem. Sometimes that creative spark comes from within, if we are open and attentive. But more often it comes from putting ourselves in the way of something that inspires us.

    It is my hope that this course will provide you with both inspiration and technical guidance, to help you unearth and develop the unique master digital artist within you … the master digital artist you were always meant to be.

    But just to be clear up front: this course is not about merely pressing a button, adding a filter, and calling it done.

    This course is about showing you new, clever ways to use top-notch apps to create imaginative works of original artwork. And not always in ways that you would expect. You’ll also be getting a direct view of my creative process and work flow. And in developing your own approach, you’ll learn how to trust your own artistic instincts while engrossed in the creative process.

    What’s more, you won’t just be watching me do all the work. You will be taking on a series of projects yourself as you work through the material here, and along the way I’ll encourage you to have a plan for each project, as well as a willingness to veer from it, trying new things, and listening to your gut … and all the while developing the visual poet within …

    Here’s how the course is set up:

    As you can see from the tabs above, the training consists of 10 Core Lessons, each made up of four components:

    1. A Photo Assignment, where you come along with me on a photowalk adventure, capturing images to be used during the lesson.
    2. A Project (typically spanning four or more videos) that makes use of the photos harvested during the Photo Assignment, on which to build new skills or expand upon earlier ones.
    3. A Get Creative section, usually consisting of a short video that demonstrates one or more other examples of the techniques covered.
    4. A set of extensive written Notes to accompany the lesson (containing alternative Photo Assignment ideas; instructions, extensions, and variations; further tips, techniques, and resources not mentioned in the videos; as well as a reiteration of some pertinent information mentioned in the videos that I wish to highlight or expound upon).


    Course content:
    The post Mobile Art Mastery: Developing the Visual Poet Within appeared first on Download Free Courses.


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