OwnHammer Impulse Response Libraries (r)Evolution Debut Bundle WAV-ISO ISO | 30 October 2020 | 6.97 GB In addition to the above single cabinet+speaker configurations, the following multiple cabinet+speaker turn-key configurations have been included for this bundle: 112 DVRB CTS-C12 + 115 VVRB E130 112 VC15 SLV-12B + 212 VC30 BLU-12C 412 MRBW M75-GNR + 412 MRCB V30-EN1 412 ORNG H75-BB1 + 412 TRAD V30-MB1 Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud Или скачать с помощью сервиса. Download using the service