PhilmColor R2 + R3 LUTS philmColor is an expansive collection of LUTs built around the RED IPP2 Color Workflow. The LUTs range from creative looks to useful tools for colorists in post. It's been a journey since the last release in 2017. Thousands of productions have used these LUTs on set, in post, and I've loved seeing the BTS grabs of the LUTs loaded on set. philmColor's success has allowed me invest a lot of time into people's requests, project looks, and more. A great deal of testing by individuals, studios, and productions commenced as well as creating more looks for my own projects. This led to an opportunity to even create the small selection of LUTs you get inside RED's new DSMC3 cameras. But I assure you that is merely a taste of the feast I've included in PCR3. Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud