Production Master Wayward Contemporary Trap WAV-DECiBEL | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Production Master Wayward Contemporary Trap WAV-DECiBEL

Тема в разделе "Audio", создана пользователем Администратор, сен 11, 2020.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума

    Production Master Wayward Contemporary Trap WAV-DECiBEL
    Team DECiBEL | 11 Sep 2020 | 449.9MB
    Production Master presents Wayward - Contemporary Trap: deep, dark and dusty sound library that packs a punch with the best Trap and Lo-Fi production tools we have ever offered. Covering more than 700 MB of content, this unique sound pack hands over a colossal amount of hot and trendy riffs, which are drag and drop ready for being the base behind your new hits.​

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