Rico Reinhold - Original Presets https://ricoreinhold.de/presets/ [COLOR=var(--scheme_1--background--default)]I'm so proud to finally share my Original Preset Pack with you. It took me years to figure out how to edit my pictures in this vintage style and create versatile presets that work with many lighting conditions. They are designed to implement my editing style to each and every one of your pictures with just a few simple clicks. The pack includes a total of[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--scheme_1--background--default)]12 presets (9x color and 3x b/w) for Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop (Camera RAW) with an additional 8 helpful tools that make your editing flow faster and give you more options with regards to adjusting the colors and effects.[/COLOR] Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud