Romantic Heart Bokeh Photo Overlays | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

Romantic Heart Bokeh Photo Overlays

Тема в разделе "Actions", создана пользователем Администратор, май 25, 2021.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума


    CM - Romantic Heart Bokeh Photo Overlays 2149524

    A magnificent collection of 52 Romantic Heart Bokeh Photo Overlays to ensure that your photos have acquired a new charm, artistry and emotionality.​

    Suitable for both amateurs and professionals. Excellent results on color and black and white photos. For your convenience, the added actions for selecting and overlaying overlays in the Screen mode. This will work both in Photoshop and in Photoshop Elements. The Romantic Heart Bokeh Photo Overlays can be used in any graphics editor, which supports layer overlay in the Screen mode.​

    Photoshop ATN | JPG Image | CS+ | RAR 28,8 MB​

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