SLR Lounge - Lightroom Image Processing Mastery | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

SLR Lounge - Lightroom Image Processing Mastery

Тема в разделе "SLR Lounge", создана пользователем Администратор, май 26, 2019.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума


    Link to site:

    • Your comprehensive guide to processing techniques for Lightroom 5
    • Over 10 Hours of HD Video Instruction
    • RAW files are NOT included, only tutorials
    • Total File Size: 3.43GB
    "The Most Complete Video Tutorial Guide I've Ever Seen"
    -Udi Tirosh of DIY Photography

    This workshop is designed to help photographers truly master basic to advanced post production techniques. With over 10 hours of hands-on image processing instruction within the Lightroom Develop Module, after completing this workshop, you will be able to post process and fix common image issues as well as create virtually any type of advanced image processing effect.

    Post-Production & Local
    Adjustment Tool Basics

    The first three chapters of the Image Processing Workshop were designed to help those that are new to Lightroom image processing fully grasp and understand each image processing component of the Develop Module. To begin building your Lightroom foundations, we move through nearly 20 exercise images with each of the images designed to address a specific function of the the Develop Module Panels and Local Adjustment Tools in complete detail.

    Develop Module Workflow Considerations
    Familiarize yourself with all the essential components and shortcuts of the Develop Module that are particularly useful from a workflow and development standpoint. From creating presets to understanding various methods of synchronizing image settings, get every tool available to help maximize your time in Lightroom.

    30 Images, 30 Effects - Developing From Start To Finish
    Build on all your Lightroom foundations as you work through 30 different images from start to finish. Learn to breeze through common image problems such as harsh mid-day lighting, underexposed images, over exposures and flares

    Then, move into creating panoramic images for stunning landscapes, developing and performing retouch on various types of portraiture on male and female subjects on studio head shots to wedding photos, learning to create different types of stylized effects including:

    • Bright and airy vintage fades
    • Film simulation
    • Creating mood shots
    • Grungy street portraits
    • Tilt-shift effects and much more
    After completing this chapter, you should be able to create virtually any look and custom effect you desire!

    A Brief Look At Lightroom's Other Modules
    While most of this workshop focused on helping you master the Develop Module, we still guide to through some of Lightroom's additional features such as Map, Book, Slideshow, Print and Web Modules.



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