SLRLounge - Photographing The Milky Way Workshop | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

SLRLounge - Photographing The Milky Way Workshop

Тема в разделе "SLR Lounge", создана пользователем Администратор, май 26, 2019.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума


    Your Guide To Nightscape Photography
    Original Price ($99) - Launch Sale - $79!
    Learn How To Find & See The Milky Way
    Achieve Focus In Dark, Challenging Conditions
    Perfect Exposure Settings For Any Starry Scene
    10 + Lightroom Presets To Help Create Incredible Imagery
    2 Hours of HD Video Instruction + 3 PDF Resources

    Nightscape photography is pushing the boundaries of photography, putting modern digital cameras to incredible use, and capturing images that simply were not possible only a few years ago. It can be daunting to begin learning the ins and outs of astrophotography simply because you are out in the dark, but this workshop will be your guide to help light the way!

    Learn 4 Incredible Nightscape Photography Techniques!
    This workshop will take you from beginner to master in just under 2 hours with our comprehensive guide packed with useful tips, recommended gear & apps, & so much more!

    You can read more about the four techniques covered below!




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