Learn how to shoot high-quality, cinematic video with your smartphone and start creating amazing videos & films today. Indie Films / Short Films YouTube Videos Mobile Journalism Travel Films Documentaries Music Videos Corporate Videos Real Estate Videos Social Media Promo & Marketing And a lot more. Whatever you want to make. In this course you'll first learn the fundamentals of cinematography and visual storytelling that applies to using ANY and all kinds of cameras. Then we explore the technical aspects that make shooting smartphone video different than shooting with traditional cameras. And finally we tie it all together with apps, filmmaking gear and accessories that will help best tell your story. Covers these topics and more: Composition & Framing The Rule of Thirds Stage Direction (The 180° Rule) 3-Point Lighting Types of Camera Movement (with real-world examples) Aperture, ISO and Shutter (for traditional cameras & smartphones) White Balance & Focus Smartphone lenses Video Camera Apps (favorites) Third-Party Accessories The best thing is once you learn the basic principles of cinematography (composition, framing & lighting) those skills will stay with you forever and can be used regardless of the kind of camera (including smartphones) you shoot with in the future. Who is this course for? Anyone wanting to learn the fundamentals of cinematography and smartphone video production (and mobile filmmaking). The lessons in this course will apply to any and all kinds of productions, but note that many of the examples presented are from movie & TV style projects Suggested Requirements: A smartphone and a video camera app. Any device, old or new is fine. Please note: We use an iPhone and primarily the FiLMiC Pro V6 app, but it does NOT matter what phone or app you use. This course is about cinematography and smartphone video production, not specific products (although some are demonstrated). This is a beginner's course, so no filmmaking experience is required. And... This is especially true for the cinematography lessons. However, some of the technical aspects we cover including the camera app functions might feel somewhat advanced for students brand new to mobile filmmaking (but they will learn along the way!). So the course can also be beneficial to intermediate level filmmakers who are wanting to learn more about smartphone video and mobile filmmaking. Don't wait to create! Start today to unlock the potential of the amazing camera you carry in your pocket. https://www.skillshare.com/en/class...arn-To-Shoot-Cinematic-Mobile-Video/884044550 Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud Smartphone Cinematography 101 Learn To Shoot Cinematic Mobile Video.rar - 3.7 GB