The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass – 21 Courses in 1 | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass – 21 Courses in 1

Тема в разделе "Other courses", создана пользователем Администратор, авг 27, 2020.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума

    [​IMG]The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass – 21 Courses in 1 — Udemy — Published 8/2020 — Free download

    The Most Comprehensive Masterclass to Improve Your Mind, Body and Health – Start Growing Today!
    What you’ll learn

    • Discover Exactly What “Reverse Aging” IS & HOW It Works!
    • Learn The SCIENCE & SECRETS Behind Reverse Aging
    • Discover the MANY Powerful BENEFITS Of Reverse Aging
    • Learn How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Add MANY Healthy Years To Your Life!
    • Discover Powerful Anti-Aging Supplements That Can Add YEARS To Your Life!
    • Discover SECRET Anti-Aging Routines That Turn Back The Clock Every Day
    • Learn The Hidden SECRETS Of Younger Looking Skin
    • And Much, Much More…! This Is Just The First Section Of The Training!
    • No experience required
    • Suitable for everyone!

    If You Only Buy ONE Course This Year … It GOT To Be This One!

    With over 22 hours of video content, downloadable resources and bonuses – this is one of the most comprehensive fitness & health masterclass available!

    You’ll also get access to:

    • Lifetime Access to course updates
    • Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section
    • Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

    To make sure you find the information you are looking for the easiest, we have divided our Masterclass to 14 main sections:

    1. Get Your Energy, Youth & Vitality Back!

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover Exactly What “Reverse Aging” IS & HOW It Works!
    • Learn The SCIENCE & SECRETS Behind Reverse Aging
    • Discover the MANY Powerful BENEFITS Of Reverse Aging
    • Learn How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Add MANY Healthy Years To Your Life!
    • Discover Powerful Anti-Aging Supplements That Can Add YEARS To Your Life!
    • Discover SECRET Anti-Aging Routines That Turn Back The Clock Every Day
    • Learn The Hidden SECRETS Of Younger Looking Skin

    2. Biohacking Secrets

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover How Sleep Has A Huge Impact On Your Mind, Body, Health & Longevity
    • Learn How Activity Impacts WAY More Than Your Muscles & Best Practices
    • Discover The Importance Of PROTECTING Yourself From Blue Light & The Amazing BENEFITS Of Red Light
    • Learn The Amazing Benefits Of Mindfulness & Meditation – Astonishing!
    • Discover What A Secret Therapy Known As “CryoTherapy” Can Do For You!
    • Discover The Impact Of & Benefits Of What You Put In Your Mouth & Lungs
    • Learn The POWERFUL Benefits Of Probiotics – You Will Be AMAZED!

    3. ZEN Lifestyle

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover What Zen Is & How It Can Transform Virtually Every Area Of Your Life
    • How Zen Can Boost Your Appreciation Of Life
    • How Zen Can Help You Simplify Your Life & Free You
    • How To Be Mindful In The Present Moment
    • Deeper Relaxation And Better Sleep
    • Gain Greater Health And Vitality
    • Learn Zen Concepts & Secret Knowledge
    • Gain Greater Awareness, Insights & Focus

    4. Healthy Heart

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover What A Heart Attack ACTUALLY Is & What Is Going On
    • Learn How To Spot a Heart Attack
    • Learn What The Complications Of A Heart Attack Are & About Follow-up Care
    • Learn What To Do When A Heart Attack Occurs
    • Discover The Primary Risk Factors For Heart Disease
    • Discover How Acceptance Can Be A Powerful Key To Freedom From Anxiety
    • Learn How To Strengthen Your Heart To Prevent Future Episodes
    • Learn About Specific Heart Remedies That Can Make A BIG Difference

    5. The Secrets To Burning Fat

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover which is most important: diet or exercise?
    • Learn the difference between “good” and “bad” fats
    • Discover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy living
    • Learn how substitution is a great way to lose weight … even without eating less!
    • Discover how your mindset impacts your weight … and how it can help you become healthier & happier
    • Find out how Celebrities stay beautiful, thin & healthy
    • Learn the hidden secrets of how to curb hunger
    • Learn some delicious fat burning & detoxing recipes you will love to get you started
    • Discover the exercises that burn fat & help you beat problem areas
    • Learn the many benefits and dangers of supplements
    • You will learn simple ways to detox your body as you lose fat
    • Learn about the “Yo-Yo Effect” and how to beat it

    6. Take Your LIFE & CAREER To The Next Level

    In this section, you are going to:

    • How To BIG Goals That Will Transform Your LIFE!
    • How To Make REAL Decisions … Stick To Them …And GET Results!
    • Discover The Life Skills That Have The BIGGEST Impact On Your SUCCESS & How You FEEL
    • Learn That There is NO Such Thing As Failure … Everything Can Be Used To Move You Forward … When You Know These Hidden SECRETS!
    • Discover How To Get More & More Intelligent & Creative Over Time .. With VERY Little Effort
    • Discover That Nothing Is Impossible … If You Use The Skills We Share With You In This Course
    • Learn The Secrets Of How To Program Your Mind To Think Better Than Ever Before!

    7. Eating Healthy

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy eating
    • Discover how the food pyramid works … and how it can benefit your health when used the right way
    • Understand cholesterol … it is more complicated than you think
    • Discover how to eat to boost energy & vitality
    • Learn how to ramp up your immune system
    • Find out how healthy eating can reduce stress
    • Uncover how a healthy diet can improve mental health conditions
    • Discover how healthy eating can reduce or illuminate many ailments
    • Gain tools & techniques to maintain your new healthy habits

    8. Binge-Free Diet

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover The Terrifying Fact Food Companies DON’T Want You To Know!
    • Learn The Science Behind Overeating – What Causes It?
    • Discover WHY Your Eating Gets Out Of Control & How You Can Beat This!
    • Learn Signs Of Compulsive Overeating & What To Do
    • Uncover The 10 Types Of Overeating
    • Find Out About The Dangers Of Overeating & Solutions
    • Get Information On How To Overcome An Eating Disorder
    • Learn Specific Strategies To Prevent Overeating & Lose Weight!

    9. Vegan Diet

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Improve your fitness and overall well being
    • Have better digestion and skin complexion
    • Save more money on takeouts and junk foods
    • Feel more energized by shedding off excess weight
    • Learn ways to begin your vegan journey for better health and performance
    • Get the list of famous athletes who opt for the vegan lifestyle despite initial criticism
    • Get simple workout plans for vegans to achieve the lean physique they want
    • Debunking the myths and misconceptions you might have about vegans

    10. Ketogenic Diet

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Learn How To Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine All Day Without Going Into Starvation Mode
    • How To Eliminate Sugar Spikes For Diabetic People Once And For All
    • How To Get Higher Mental Focus
    • How To Increase Energy Level Without Relying On ‘Sugar Rush’
    • How To Get A Clearer, Healthier And More Glowing Skin In Matter of Weeks
    • How To Prevent Your Body To Go Into The State Of ‘Hunger’

    11. Juicing

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Learn The Science Of Juicing
    • How To Have More Vegetables Than Humanly Possible And Why It’s Good For You
    • How To Flush Out The Gunk In Your System That’s Causing All Kinds Of Illnesses And Problems
    • Juicing for Energy and Beauty
    • WHY Store Bought Juices Will Cause Breakouts And Weight Gain
    • The Difference Between Juicing And Blending
    • How To Smooth Out Wrinkles And Turn Back Time
    • How To Turn Pulp Into Healthy Snacks
    • Detoxing Your Organs For Longer Life

    12. Intermittent Fasting

    In this section, you are going to:

    • What Intermittent Fasting Is & How It Can Help You Beat Your Weight Problem … Even When Other Systems Failed
    • Learn About The MANY Amazing Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
    • Discover The RIGHT Way To Do Intermittent Fasting For The BEST Results
    • Learn How Intermittent Fasting Can BOOST Your Energy!
    • Be Shown The Specific Protocols For Intermittent Fasting
    • Get Special Tips On How To Maximize Your Results
    • Learn The Secret Of How Intermittent Fasting Can BEAT Your Weight Loss Plateaus!
    • Bonus Q & A Section On Intermittent Fasting
    • Look & Feel Amazing!

    13. Understanding Yoga

    In this section, you are going to:

    • What Is Yoga & How Can It Help You
    • Learn About Science Of Yoga & Health Benefits
    • Discover How Yoga Affects Emotions & The Mind-Body Connection
    • Learn HOW Yoga Creates Strength, Flexibility, Endurance & Weight Loss
    • Learn More About Yoga Poses & How Yoga Boosts Immunity
    • Discover The RIGHT Way To Get Started With Yoga
    • Learn The Secrets Of Yoga & Meditation … How You Can Feel Better Than Ever Before!

    14. Stretching For Beginners

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Learn The Right Way To Stretch
    • Unique Techniques To Help You Stretch
    • MULTIPLE Systems Of Stretching
    • How To Safely Go At Your Own Pace & Level
    • How To Get The BEST Results
    • BONUS – Learn About Special Stretching Tools

    15. Functional Fitness Training

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover What Is “Functional Fitness”
    • Learn How To Stay Fit … Without Killing Yourself
    • Discover Simple Daily Ways To Stay Fit That Take Minimal Effort To Do
    • Learn How To Stay Fit Without Expensive Gym Memberships Or Equipment
    • Discover How Much BETTER You can Feel & Look … Without Straining Yourself
    • Find Out How Simple Habits Make a HUGE Difference Over Time!
    • Learn How To Gently Build Strength, Stamina and Mobility
    • Learn About The Common Mistakes People Make With Functional Fitness
    • Discover How Functional Fitness Can Boost Increase Your Flexibility, Balance & Range Of Motion
    • Learn How Functional Fitness Can Improve Your Immune System & Lifespan
    • You Will Learn Simple Ways To Stay Fit & Keep The Weight Off
    • Learn How To Feel Better Than You Have In Years And Slow The Aging Process

    16. Kettlebell Fitness Training

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover amazing & unique benefits of kettlebell workouts
    • Learn how to get the right kettlebell for you & your goals
    • Discover how kettlebells can help you burn fat – Fast!
    • Understand the common kettlebell mistakes and how to avoid them & prevent injuries
    • Find out how kettlebells tone, strengthen and build muscles in unique ways
    • Discover how kettlebells can improve your form & results when lifting
    • Find out how kettlebell fitness training can dramatically build your core strength
    • Be shown 6 ways to use your kettlebells that can transform your body
    • Learn specific kettlebell tips & tricks to dramatically boost your results
    • Be shown a step-by-step beginners workout program you can start with today!
    • You will learn why proper form is crucial to getting maximum results
    • Gain “done-for-you” beginner, intermediate & advanced workout programs

    17. Muscle & Strength Building

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover How To Create a Powerful Muscle Building Mindset
    • Learn How To Select The Muscle Building Supplements that Really Work
    • Learn How Create Your Muscle Building Diet For Maximum Gains
    • Discover How To Build a Powerful Chest & Biceps
    • Find Out How To Get Amazing Shoulders & Rock-Hard Abs
    • Learn To STOP Your Own Negative Thoughts & Self-Sabotage
    • Find Out How Celebrities Build Muscle And Get Sexy & Strong!
    • Discover Muscle Building Secrets For Vegans & Vegetarians

    18. Increase Your Muscle Mass

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover How To Develop The Mindset Of A Champion
    • How To Workout For Increasing Muscle Mass
    • Discover The “Power Building Lifestyle”
    • Find The Best Fitness Apps
    • Discover The Best Supplements For Boosting Muscle Fast
    • Find Out Why Cardio Is Great For Muscle Building & Strength
    • Learn How To Track Your Progress Properly
    • Learn The Proper Diet For Increasing Muscle Mass

    19. Mindfulness Meditation

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce PAIN By 50 To 90%
    • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Mood & Alleviate Anxiety & Depression
    • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Your Focus Dramatically
    • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Improve Sexual Performance
    • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce Stress & Improve Your Quality Of Life & Your Career
    • Find Out How Mindfulness Meditation Boost Immunity & Over-All Health
    • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Make You Stronger & More Resilient
    • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Boosts Creativity & Productivity
    • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Sleep Better & Reduce Muscle Tension Dramatically
    • Find Out How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Deal With Past Pain & Nagging Issues

    20. Eczema Solution

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Discover The Secrets Of Beating Eczema Itch
    • Learn About The Powerful Connection Between Your Emotions & Eczema
    • Discover How Simple Meditation Can Dramatically Improve Your Condition
    • Learn Great Home Remedies To Beat Eczema & Itch
    • Discover The How The RIGHT Creams, Supplements & Light Therapy Can Help You Beat Eczema & Itch
    • Learn How To Properly Care For Your Skin In Many Ways
    • Find Out How To Cope With Eczema & What Really Helps
    • Learn How To Allergy-Proof Your Home
    • Tips For How To Deal With Your Child Having Eczema
    • Discover The Link Between Food Allergies & Eczema
    • Uncover The Powerful Link Between Eczema & Stress And How To Beat It
    • Learn About How Diet Can Make a HUGE Difference

    21. Insomnia Solution

    In this section, you are going to:

    • Learn About The Different TYPES Of Insomnia
    • Learn The Negative Effects Of Insomnia
    • Discover What Recent Science & Studies How Discovered About Insomnia
    • Learn How The Mind Of An Insomniac Works & How This Can Help You
    • Debunk The Many Myths About Insomnia & What Causes Sleep Disturbance
    • Discover Both Natural & Artificial Remedies For Insomnia
    • Discover How Medication Can Both Help & Hurt
    • Learn How Light & Environment Has A Huge Impact On Sleep, Several Ways
    • Learn How To Better Prepare For Sleep & How To Turn Off Your Mind
    • Learn How to PREVENT Insomnia
    • Discover The Secrets Of DEEP Sleep
    • Find Out How To Program Your Mind For Sleep

    +1: Lifetime Access to Future Updates!

    PS – Study This Course Carefully … And You Will Have An Unfair Advantage For Life In Virtually Every Area Of Your Life … Amazing!

    Who this course is for:

    • Personal Development / Health Enthusiasts
    • Coaches / Personal Trainers
    • Athletes / Dieters / Dancers / Martial Artists
    • Everyone!


    Filename: The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass – 21 Courses in 1.part1.rar (download)
    Filesize: 2.93 GB
    Filename: The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass – 21 Courses in 1.part2.rar (download)
    Filesize: 2.93 GB
    Filename: The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass – 21 Courses in 1.part3.rar (download)
    Filesize: 2.39 GB

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