The Portrait Collections Guide | Видеокурсы и книги по темам. Video Tutorials and books

The Portrait Collections Guide

Тема в разделе "Gfx", создана пользователем Администратор, апр 9, 2021.

  1. Администратор

    Администратор Administrator Команда форума


    The Portrait Collections Guide
    A gorgeous, fine-art inspired 6-page guide featuring your portrait collections, including a breakdown of services and pricing information
    Professionally written copy introducing your portrait collection pricing as an investment, a brief description of each collection, and a page on how to get started reserving a session date
    Luxurious design makes your studio look high-end and professional
    Includes InDesign version for saving out as a multi-page PDF and high-resolution Photoshop version for printing or saving as individual .PDFs to bind together in Adobe Acrobat for a multi-page .PDF​

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