Wonder and Whimsy: A Guide to Photographing Children with Sally Kate Molhoek https://store.clickinmoms.com/ Hi y’all! I’m Sally, the camera-wielding dreamer behind SallyKate Photography. I hail from the Dallas Metroplex in Texas, where I reside with my darling husband and five beautiful kids. I started out like so many people do. After my fifth child was born I wanted to use my “fancy camera” to take better pictures of my kids, which I discovered does not easily happen on full auto (what?). I have a Fine Arts degree, and have been an artist since I was old enough to hold a crayon. Expressing the beauty I experience is a straight-up necessity for me, and the joy that comes from creating something that touches the senses is a rush, every time. When I can communicate the beauty I see in another person, and make them feel that way about themselves...even better. Читать полную новость Скачать с облака. Download from the cloud Или скачать с помощью сервиса. Download using the service